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Dungeons and Dragons Projects

On top of DMing long-running campaigns and one-shots regularly, I enjoy Homebrewing my own content! Some of which I've posted in the DM's Guild. 

A DM toolkit to enhance their home games with a bit of "Organized Crime" or "Mafia" flavoured factions. In the Forgotten Realms, the Zhentarim fills this role perfectly. 

It fleshes out the faction, with what it means to earn a rank, what characters really have to do to join.

Build Your Own Family, start your own organization within the faction, and climb the ranks!

New Character Options, Schemes, Downtime Activities, Plot Hooks and more!

All in all, this was my first major solo project, and I'm very happy how it came out.


A full class for D&D 5th Edition.

The Spirit Medium is a half-caster class that deals with Spirits. Takes inspiration from pop culture I'm a fan of.

Three Subclasses:

  • Spirit Merging (Inspired by Shaman King), combine forces with a spirit to enhance your martial prowess.

  • Spirit Guardian (Inspired by Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), well... you have a Stand.

  • Spirit Channeling (Inspired by Ace Attorney) involves summoning the spirits of the deceased and using their experiences to "transform" into them.

Dungeons and dragons priest using glowin

Back in the early days of 5e I wondered why so many classes were taken out of the game. I started playing in 4th edition, and one of the classes I always liked thematically was The Runepriest. So I took it and tried my best to convert the essence of the 4e class to the newer 5e mechanics.

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